Welcome to Jirafaboy's Main Page

Welcome to Jirafaboy's personal web site. It is from this site that you can navigate your way around Jirafa Enterprises. You will also find many links to pages that I have created and/or find usefull.

Who is the mighty Jirafaboy and where did he come from? These are simple questions with considerably complex answers. Jirafaboy was omce a normal man, or at least an aspiring young lad on his way to manhood. Before he became Jirafaboy he was known as David Jackson. David was a but a high school student when the metamorphosis took place. It was springtime during his ninth grade year, a little bit before lunch time in Gibbo's chemistry class. Was it during the first 15 minutes of class when Gibbo allowed everyone to get settled in? Or was it during the last 15 mintues when the students were done with learning time and allowed to chat while the knowledge settled in their brains? I'm afraid it wasn't either of those breaks, but actually during the 20 or so minutes that class was actually taught. What was being taught in high school chemistry that could forever change the world? Well not really anything was being taught, Gibbo just happened to have a video on sharks this day. Yes this video was for his Biology class and I think I had seen it three times before from my two years in his classes, but it was on again. The soon to be Jirafaboy was chatting with his good friend the future Chickyfluf, and the two were hoping that maybe this time the shark would bite off the guys hand and spit his mettle glove into his face. This lead to further discussion of the man turning around and eating the shark. Sarah Mabbot, a neighbor in class and a frequent 4th period class poker player gave the two some slightly dirty looks. She was wearing her echo hat again. Jirafaboy has never understood why a hat said Echo and had a picture of a giraffe on it. Surely twas fate. We should start a giraffe meat company says Jirafaboy, and sell the meat to orphans says chickyfluf. Ah, what grand ideas started that day. No one mind could contain them all. It was later that day in Spanish class that the two looked up giraffe and found it to be jirafa. Jirafa meat sounded good. P&D Jirafa Meat Inc. was soon started and the legend grows to this day.

Over the next few years P&D Jirafa Meat Inc. grew and grew. Everyone that came across it seemed to want a part of it. Jirafic Park was started to help cultivate the mighty beasts. The Jirafa Mafia was formed to protect and enforce Jirafa interests abroad. Soon the whole business with jirafas outspanned the simple meat market. The company had changed from just P&D Jirafa Meat Inc. to P&D Jirafa Enterprises. This new title better reflected what the Jirafa business had become. It incorporated politics, biological engineering, circuses, and a wide range of other things. Jirafa Enterprises was ready to take on the world.

And what is Jirafaboy up to these days? Not much at all. He is just getting his B.S. in Computer Science, working part time, getting ready to get married, and plotting the conquest of earth. Of course during his free time he likes to play a little civilization II.

Jirafa-Friendly Links

P&D Jirafa Meat Inc.
Go to Jirafic Park
The Jirafa Files AKA Churn Butter Churn Series
More Jirafa Links!

Other David Friendly Links

My Movies
Liscence Plate Frame
Polls Only a few old ones, one day I shall get around to making more.
Other Non-Jirafa links
PaypalI highly recommend starting an account. You never know if you will one day owe me money and this is a convenient way to pay.

Feel free to contact me with any concerns or suggestions for this site.


This site was last updated on 06-26-01

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