Welcome to Jirafic Park

Island Operations

Thousands of people from around the world submit their applications and resumes to P&D Jirafa Headquarters on the mainland annually. The top 100 are selected to be transported to the Island by boat.

There they will Train for nine months, spending all of their time in the Mess Hall, Training Center and their Barracks. During the nine months, those who cannot handle the vigorous pressure will be escorted to the Helipad and fly to the mainland. Only 30 will graduate from this portion of the training.

These 30 individuals will then begin their wilderness training in the training grounds located in the southern section of the island. Three months of testing will procure 25 P&D Jirafa Hunters. The remaining 5 will be shipped away.

These 25 will now join the hundreds of other hunters that have been gathering for the past 11 years. As a Jirafa Hunter they will be given free reign of Jirafic Park. They will spend several hours a day in the Hunting grounds, catching their meals, and the meals of the other peoople on the Island.

Through out the year the genetic engineering crew of Jirafic Park will be working around the clock to produce the finest giraffes in the world that will yeild the most meat. All the giraffes will spend their first 12 days in the giant cloning incubators. They then spend 8 days getting acustomed with eating, walking, and getting used to being around humans.

75% of the newly cloned Jirafas will be shipped directly to Holding Cell A, where they will stay until they become full grown. When they are ready they will be shipped to Holding Cell B and will kept there for a few days, then released into the Hunting Grounds for the Jirafa Hunters to find. At any given moment there are approximately 150 giraffes in any given holding cell.

The 25% of the newly cloned giraffes that don't get to go to Holding Cell A are the Jirafas specifically designed to be dwarf giraffes for little children to ride. They will only be about 6 feet tall when full grown. From the ground to the tops of their backs is typically only 2.5 feet. They will spend several weeks there and then be shipped to various homeless childrens' centers around the world.

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