Shari Takenaga


Shari Takenaga joined P&D a few years after the war. With her Masters Degree in Psycology, Shari signed on with the company to help research the giraffe psyche to determine how different stimuli can effect their growth and development. Unfortunately, Shari has been a traitor from the beginning. She has always been jealous of her brother, Sean Takenaga, being her superior on Jirafa Island. Nothing would please her more than to see him lose everything he has aquaired; wealth, fame, power, and respect. It was Shari who stumbled onto the truth about Chao-Hsi's sabotage of Sarah Mabbott's work and the coinciding giraffe's suicide. She annonomously tipped Sarah off and sent her proof of the deeds, knowing it could only hurt Sean in the long run. During her research of the cloned giraffes, Shari discovered that clones were unreasonably perceptive to suggestion. With her ability to hypnotize the effects of her suggestions were almost unbreakable. She dabbled with hypnotizing Mike Allen for a while, but he had been alive far too long and didn't behave so much like a clone anymore. That, and the fact that he always carried a gun caused Shari to keep her pursuasions to a minimum. Shari was involved with Shannon's cloning from the start and used every oportunity she could to coax Shannon to her will. It was almost too easy. However, once Shannon was turned to the dark side, she quickly disapeared before Shari had the opportunity to bring her into full control. It was then that Shari became aware of the opportunities that truely awaited her. If she could somehow get one of the senior Jirafa leaders to clone his or herself, then she it wouldn't be long until she could get into a position of real power. There were only a select few individuals who coud authorize such a cloning and only desperate circumstances would lead to their doing it.

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