Paul Akers


Paul Akers, one of the two original founders was born in Zurich, Switzerland. For the first time in the nation's history, Switzerland refused to remain neutral. With great haste and unity the nation seized the boy and shipped him over to the Americas. There, Paul wandered for several years until he was old enough to become a farmer. He honed his livestock growing skills until he was recognized by all as a master at it. At the age of 15 Paul joined forces with David Jackson and the first Jirafa Enterprise was founded. P&D Jirafa Meat Inc. was instantly a national success. Paul and David acquired an island and started the long and glorious path to perfection. Though constantly facing extremists of the small yet potent Anti-Jirafa movement are constantly upsetting the peace and prosperity of the Jirafa movement. Now Paul resides in the gently slopes of Jirafa Island, dreaming of the day when he will be allowed to rejoin his kinsmen on some real mountains in that neutral hole in Europe. Not quite content with simple dreamings, Paul has employed a long-term plan to force the motherland to let him in. It will take great pains and effort, but that is what lobbyists are for.

Paul's first Homepage
Paul's second Homepage

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