Crystal Crookham

Leader of the Smurfs

Ah Crystal...what can be said about this malicious rebel leader of the underground smurfs? Her origins, like all small time criminal master minds, were humble. Sure, you may think that only heroes can have humble origins, but that is far too common. And besides, if you're reading this, you probably must realize, this is no ordinary site. But I have sidetracked enough. Let us dwelve into the black hole that is Crystal's past. Crystal began as a humble tourist working under the supervision of the smurf formerly known as "Papa." "Working" is such a fair word to describe the conditions under "Papa." Truth be told, it was smurf labor. It made working in a Kathee Lee sweatshop look like a walk in the park! After years of this, she eventually decided to lead a rebellion. One that would lead to the overthrow of the head hauncho! Not only did it succeed, but thousands of the now free smurfs followed Crystal with the hope of a new life. And a new life they received, for in the distance, upon emerging from the underground, they spotted a herd of Giraffes. Almost immediately, the pack of smurfs led by the ferocious Crystal, swarmed the startled Giraffes, tearing them to shreds! They mutilated the entire herd. Feeling a new sense of power, they continued to hunt the giraffes for sport, tearing out the tongue but leaving the carcass. This is here where the Jiraffa mafia gets involved. Seeing the senseless slaughter of grade A giraffe meat outraged the courageous Jiraffa men. The ongoing war between the smurfs and the mafia continues to this day... From birth, Crystal has had a deep and unabating hatred for Chao-Hsi Lee.

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